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  Princeton Private Estate

This site contains information, photos, videos, location and links related to the building of our house at Princeton Private Estate (previously called Stirling Lakes) in Perth, Western Australia.

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  The Development

Intially the development was called Stirling Lakes and was being developed by Menzies Court. Due to whatever reason, sometime during 2001 development ground to a halt, and Menzies Court pulled out of the development.
After some time, a consortium headed by Satterley Property Group stepped in and took over the development. At this point, the development was renamed Princeton Private Estate.

Bridge at Princeton Private EstateThe latter part of 2002 has seen good progress made on the development. Just prior to the auction of the 2002 Telethon House, the first of the landscaping was completed to the main entrance road (San Remo Boulevard).

After the auction of the 2002 Telethon House, rapid progress was made in the development of the Stage 2 blocks, and also in the completion of the landscaping along Karrinyup Road.

November and December 2002 saw the start of numerous display homes being built. I expect that by the end of the first quarter of 2003 there will be a large number of display homes nearing completition.

Check the photos and videos section regularly for progress photos and videos.

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